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a new facelift for the website and blog! | A special testimonial from a bride!

Hey friends,

I’m so excited to see what my new friend Jodi, that owns Chocolate Cactus Designs, will come up for my new website and blog! Tomorrow she begins the process of designing from scratch a brand new website using the new awesome software called “Showit“. Its really popular in the photographer’s industry but there are other industry’s using it too. If you are in need of a website, want to wow your clients and not have a difficult time building it, showit is the way to go! Your probably wondering why am I hiring someone then, well I guess I feel like I could do it, but I don’t have the time, so I’d rather pay someone who does design work for a living and do other things i need to do.  Plus I don’t think I could come up w/ the creative things that she will, thats just how her brain works! 🙂 I can not wait to see it when its done! So if you notice the website looking different that is why!

I couldn’t post w/out a pic, you know that! Here a couple of my favorite bridal portraits from Mikah’s wedding on May 1st. I’m just having a difficult time narrowing it down, I LOVE a bride in a field! Especially a Bride in a green field with RED hair! Doesn’t she just look amazing and pop off your screen! 🙂 Well I am so blessed to have been able to photograph Mikah and Jarrod from their “Sorta E-session” to their second engagement session, then to their wedding day! I still have a long post that is coming on their wedding, I wrote it out the next day so I wouldn’t forget some of the beautiful details. That is coming soon! Enjoy the next couple pics!

So with these two images, I at first thought, “Hmm..so much wind, i should clone out the hair blowing and make it perfect”,

I even attempted this but then realized, this is exactly not who I am. I am natural, real, I show movement, this IS movement and honestly

I think its beautiful. I know traditional portraiture is supposed to be perfect, heck with that, this is beautiful. She looks great, the wind gives it a story.

This Bride, Mikah, wrote me an amazing review on Atlanta Bridal, here’s what she said:

“Wow! Our pictures are so amazing! If you are looking for a photographer who you can be comfortable around and actually make a memory while taking your pictures, Katrina Wheeler Photography is the one for you. We loved her so much we set up 2 engagement sessions (for a change of scenery) and she also photographed our wedding. We love her style of photography. My husband and I just had to be us and she captured it in such a beautiful way! Katrina Wheeler Photography took pictures of us dancing silly, holding hands, laughing at one another, and, of course, a few stolen kisses as well. The final products of her work are of the best quality. We have used so many of the photos she took to decorate our home. My favorite thing about Katrina Wheeler Photography is that our pictures look as if someone was sneaking a peek into our (my husband and mines) love for one another. We will definitely be using Katrina Wheeler Photography for all our special moments in life.” Mikah you have blessed me with your sweet words! Thank you for allowing me to be apart of yours and Jarrod’s wedding!

More soon! XOXO



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