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Through my child’s eyes | Day four

Today I didn’t take quite as many pictures, mainly because I was pretty exhausted from the past couple days. The kids not having school, us being snowed in and all the other full time duties I’ve had to take on, have been tiring! Looking forward to this weekend for sure! Again, no school tomorrow! 🙂 fun times being a mom! 🙂 Sorry if I sound a little down and discouraged, I’m just tired! 🙂 Some of you that really know me that are reading this, just so you know, it is 11:06 while I type this so technically it is past my normal falling asleep time 🙂 (aka, 10:01)…

So today we went outside for a little bit and played in the snow. The kids had fun throwing snowballs at eachother, and me! I barely protected the camera actually! We slightly attempted to make a snowman, but it was difficult because the ice was so hard on top of the good snow, every time we’d get a ball rolling, it would hit the ice and it just crumbled.. So we threw the towel in on that idea. Back to the snow fight.

So Avalyn got cranky awfully quick, her hands were so cold and so she went inside. I stayed out for a bit w/ Logan and our next door neighbor friend Rachel. She is best friends w/ the kids, its so sweet. Today I overheard her talking to my daughter saying, “Do you know what BFF means?” Avalyn didn’t know, Rachel said, “Best friends forever…” I waited and thought aww how cute.. then she told her “Your my best friend forever”… So cute and sweet! 🙂 So avalyn went upstairs and busied her self with something while I made lunch. Low and behold this is what she was creating…

She said that she was laying out her outfits for the next few days 🙂 Lol! It was not only every item of clothing she’d need for the outfit but a purse to go along with each outfit, a different purse that is! So cute. She is such a little woman!

Then there was logan, busy playing w/ his new remote control car that his Granna got him. Boys will be boys 🙂

Over all today was a good slow day. I got a little bit of editing done on a beautiful wedding that I photographed in Grosse Ill, Michigan at the Yacht Club there. I’ve posted their sneak before but never the full wedding and I’m looking forward to posting theirs and Meagan and Davids as well. Blogging takes time cause I talk alot 🙂 So they will come soon! I also have two boudoir shoots to process!

Have a good night, see ya tomorrow.



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