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Wedding Reception of J+M | Backyard wedding Elk City, OK

I am so excited to finally reveal some of the absolutly precious images from Jarrod and Mikah’s backyard wedding. Well actually it was a front yard wedding, in front of the beautiful home of Mikah’s parents. Lovely place and it was perfect! I actually wrote some things out as I was driving home(Well hubby was driving, I was taking notes from the wonderful event) Heres what I wrote:

“As I write this, we are driving back to Georgia from a beautiful week in Oklahoma. I thought what a great time to write some blog posts up for posting when I get back to the office.  The wedding I photographed this past weekend was extra special, It was for my brother in law on my husbands side. I was really excited that they chose me to be their photographer.  At first I was filled with some mixed emotions… “How can I photograph my own brother’s wedding?” The “In law” part doesn’t matter, he’s definitely my brother in my heart so it was just as hard as if he had been born my blood brother. “Will I be good enough”… Seems like its common to have these doubts that you’d measure up to expectations when it comes to family, but seeing that I had already done their couple photos before they were officially engaged and their official engagement photos as well, and they absolutely LOVED them, I knew better then to doubt myself! It was going to Rock and I knew it!! I also was unsure how I could focus on my job when I would want to focus on the emotion of my brother in law marrying an amazing future sister in law… Well I DID IT! Pretty proud of myself.. I somehow managed to take absolutely beautiful images and got emotionally involved as well. My husband was one of the groomsmen, so it was hard not to watch Jarrod and Mikah get married and not stare at my husband remembering the beautiful day of our wedding… Beautiful memories that are about to bring me to tears… Lets rewind so I can regroup : )

The wedding festivities started before May 1st. On Friday, the day before the wedding, we had quite a busy day ahead of us. In the early afternoon Mikah and I met out at her beautiful country house of her parents and loaded her in my truck and headed out to find some beautiful scenic places to photograph her Bridals. We started off nearby her home down the street she has some beautiful trees that hang over the road and create such beautiful framing, I think We tried to coax the nearby cow to the road to get some fun shots but he ran away! I guess the long lenses even scare the biggest of creatures..Sorry!  Anyway, we did some fun road pictures, then we loaded up and headed out to find some tall TALL grass.. Now pause.. Some of you that have had shoots w/ me or that know me well know I ALWAYS talk about how I need to find this tall pretty grass to photograph a bride in.. Well I FOUND IT! The most beautiful wheat fields exist in the farms and outskirts of the town we were in. Now, I have to say that I have always wanted to shoot in “Wheat fields” but I’d settle for tall weeds or grass, but to be in wheat was like seriously my photographer’s dream come true! Mikah bursted my bubble though when she said “Your killing it..” with her pouty face… I felt so bad.. I really do, I didn’t intend to do that, although its kind of stupid to think It wouldn’t kill them in the way we were walking on them.. If your reading this, farm owner who’s wheat we killed..please forgive me, I’d gladly pay you for that wheat!

Ok back to the beauty of it, It was really a dreamy dreamy beautiful experience…Well, except for the 30 or 50 mph winds that were insanely destroying my beautiful scenes.. Thanks wind.. Just couldn’t be perfect huh! Oh well, we still got some amazing shots! I have already posted some of these sneaks, heres some to share in case you havent seen them, then when your done w/ this one go back in previous posts to see more!

Bride in Wheat field, oklahoma
YES WINDY, but really nice huh! 🙂

After we did some fun stuff here in the wheat we needed to head back to take Ms. Mikah to her home cause it was also the day of the Rehearsal so she had to prepare for all that fun stuff for that evening.  We parted ways until the evening when we met back up at her home, the wedding site, for a rehearsal of the big day.” End prior thoughts… Well thats all I had down, I think it was my turn to drive or something! 🙂 Anyway, back to todays post..

I’d like to share some detail pictures that made up the bride’s dress and accessories. I LOVED her adorable pink shoes. I am all about brides who wear colored shoes, really, why didn’t we when I got married, I wore white boring but cute, heals.. but i’ll never wear white heals again, I might wear Pink heals though! 🙂

I love this dress picture!

The flowers were so pretty! What a unique boquet that had a gorgeous feather on the end!

Here’s where Mikah got delivered her gift from the groom,  A note, and a peanut butter and Jelly Sandwich! That was what he made for her the first day.

Next he got his gift, a journal she had been writing for her future husband, since she was a little girl.

Mikah’s best friend delivered the gift.

Love how Jarrod’s mom is looking in, so sweet.

Now for the Groom walking down the isle…

Mikah getting out of the car

Here’s Mikah getting out of the car and her daddy helping her ( He also was their officiating pastor), then Jarrod seeing her for the first time. Both were taken within seconds of eachother, so she gets out, he reacts…If you can see the blurred person to the right is Jarrod, I’m over his shoulder, and to the left is Jarrods mom.

The reason I explained this the way I did, I want my readers to understand something, and future clients, I try to be VERY intentional when I am photographing moments like this. I could have just taken a photo, straight on, of the bride coming up the isle, or the back of her, but I wanted to give it context, meaning, feeling… So I took it, including other elements, the groom and mother of the groom. I feel like this adds to the story of the whole thing.

More so on 🙂 I love these little mini- episodes.




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