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First Look for Elise and Jeremy’s Ft. Walton Beach Wedding at Ramada | Wedding Photographer Destin, FL

Happy Saturday everyone! ๐Ÿ™‚ I just love weekends, either I’m shooting a wedding, couple or I am having some amazing quality time with my family. Thats been one of the biggest benefits of living no where near our parents is that we have been forced to wether we want to or not, be with each other more then ever before and it has made us so much closer. Praise God for that! What a great month!!

I wanted to share the next phase of Jeremy and Elise’s Wedding – their “First Look”. ย This is one of my FAVORITE things to do at a wedding. Heres how it worked. I had Elise off hiding in a hallway and with the help of a groomsmen I staged Jeremy in a private location where we had pre-chosen and had him turned around where he couldn’t see Elise walking up. At the right moment, I had Jeremy face his bride to be and they saw eachother all dolled up for the first time. It brings a rush of emotion, tears, laughter and all kinds of fun. I know some are traditional and like to wait, but it really does save your day and timeline to get the best most important pictures done before hand to ensure we have daylight and enough time to do them in. So it was awesome. Jeremy said he wasn’t nervous, just excited. Elise was very excited as well! They were adorable. Take a look! Start off with some GORGEOUS alone shots of Elise! Preview for her bridal shoot! ๐Ÿ™‚ ย Some of the images below were captured by my great friend Michelle who assisted me that day! Thanks girl, you rock!

And now some of the fun formals we did after the first look, aren’t they so cute together! I love you guys so much! ๐Ÿ™‚

And to wrap up this post I want to go back a little bit in time, show you some of the “First looks” for Elise and her daddy! They were so emotional and adorable! He is such a great father and I am so proud to have met him!

  1. Julie Wall says:


    You did such a wonderful job. Thank you so much!!! I cannot wait to see the rest:)
