Hey friends!! Well I’m now going to start some new blog series schedules!! I’m super excited! Monday’s will be Mundane Mondays. I may talk about personal things going on with myself, my family, my marriage or my business. Or, I could talk about just something random, like sharing something my kids did in school or learned while in school! I hope you join me each week for something new! 🙂 Monday’s are sometimes boring and long and tiresome. I hope to give everyone something to read about or see that helps pass the day a little quicker!
Did you guys know that we homeschool our children? We have homeschooled them for the last 7 years off/on, but mostly on! They did go to public school a few times as we’ve moved around the U.S with the military life, and we would put them in public school to give them some stability and meet friends until we can get settled. We have since decided to not do that again, and its more stable for them to just continue life at home, even through a move there is alot to learn! I absolutely love having my children home with me, and I wouldn’t go back and put them in public school. It doesn’t mean its easy though, with a 7th grader, 6th grader, Kindergartner and a new baby (13 month old). Life is often a little crazy around the Wheeler house, sometimes called a circus, but there is NO lack of love and fun! We think that God gave us our beautiful children for us to raise, and grow up in admonition of the Lord God and to teach them how to honor Him with their lives. We think the best way to do this is to keep them home.
I say all this to say that Mondays are hard for me too.. Its just after a break (the weekend) and its hard to get motivated to get back into a school week routine. But my kids need to stay on track and learn as much as they can! I mean, we will be opening our pool at our house really soon (If Oklahoma weather can make up it’s mind and decide to actually have spring, or summer, I’ll take either one!) They are like fish, they swim every day, sometimes more then once a day, and so in order to get them more time outside and in the pool they have to get finished with school, this is a great tool to keep them focused!! 🙂
So today, on Mundane Mondays, I just thought I’d share a little about my life, behind the scenes, what it’s like to be at the Wheeler house!! More then anything I just want to say that I’m so thankful to have the life I do. I’m thankful (I know it’s not Thursday but I still can give thanks right?) to Jesus that he chose me to mother my children, to enable me to teach them, to allow for that to happen all while trying to build a business! It’s a lot some days, but I wouldn’t change it! I’m so proud of my kids, they are so smart, and adaptable. Moving every three years isn’t easy, military children have a lot to take on, making new friends at a new state/duty station each move, losing friends when we finally move, and it starts all over… But my kiddos have done it with grace and love. Aren’t these guys adorable? I’m a proud momma! Thank you Jesus for lending them to me, for a time such as this! These boys below, they melt me! I don’t know how I’ll ever share them with their wives, but I know I will.. I’ve already started praying for them! They are going to be some amazing women!
She is a jewel and i’m so proud of her! Each day she proves to be way better of a young lady and future woman then I will ever be. Her desire to cook and help others is such a Godly trait and I know she will continue to grow in the knowledge of the Lord and hope that she will honor him all the days of her life. I can’t imagine that in the time that has passed since I blogged last (6 years) My oldest son above will/could be married or off to his new life.. How does time fly so fast? Sometimes I get so lost in busyness and “things” that I fail to stop and just take in the little precious moments that I will forever miss and remember! Don’t get caught up in what tomorrow may hold, enjoy today with your loved ones, be thankful for the breath of life you have, be present in moments with your loved ones, and let them know you love them! We are not promised tomorrow, so keep that in mind and make the most of each moment!!
Some precious memories we’ve shared this last few months:
My oldest son’s 13th Birthday, he chose Pho Nhi Vietnamese Pho for dinner, it was amazing! We love Vietnamese food!
This was our trip to California for Christmas. Selfie mode, family pic… when you have four you do what you gotta do to get a pic! 🙂
My heart is full… look at this face!! He is so precious to me… He’s a rainbow baby for me, and i’ll probably share more about that later but isn’t he a doll!
Another chance to dote on my daughter Avalyn… She is becoming quite the budding photographer! The session above and below was her idea! She knew mom wanted photos of Devlen and haven’t had the energy to really make it happen.. she took the initiative to setup the shoot and actually wanted to photograph the whole thing… This sparked my interest and honestly I was a bit jealous that she had the desire to do what I needed/wanted to do too..so I helped out *a bit*.. The below pic she took and I absolutely ADORE It!!
The pic below is my 6 year old Mason.. He’s my sweet first blue eyed boy that I absolutely adore and love to the core! He melts my heart every day! This photo was from our moon study on the phases of the moon.
Remember I said earlier that I hadn’t taken any photos of my new baby Devlen, well I had taken a couple but just not amazing ones… It’s taken me a good year to get any creative juices back after having my fourth c-section, and last baby (Unless God wills it otherwise). But I did setup the shoot that you see below.. a quick little photo of Devlen as a baby, before walking.. with Dad’s stethoscope. Dad’s going school for Nursing and so thats the reason for the scope.
What’s going on for you for Mundane Mondays? I’d love to see a pic, and hear from you! Please let me know how your surviving the day, and getting things done! For me, it’s not exactly boring or mundane… always a blessing and always busy!! Back to the crazy wonderful circus I go!
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