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Showit Fast Tour Atlanta Ga – Learning and networking

Well it surely has been a really eventful two weeks. AS you saw on my last post, I’ve really been spread really thin, and trying to catch up. Here’s some of the images I took two nights ago at the Atlanta Showit Freedom Tour, with speakers such as: David Jay, Jim Davis-Hicks, Ron Dawson, Promise Tangeman, and singing for us live was Molly Jenson!! Then we also got to hear from showit studs, Kevin Sturm and Andrew Barlow! I really had an amazing time. There are so many people in our industry that are out to make a name but are completly unapproachable, unkind and just plain fake to the world, not showing the real self, like most think… I found it refreshing that spending time w/ these people mentioned above, was exactly the opposite, real people. In a culture swarmed with internet relationships and fake persona’s, you never know till actually spending time with someone if they are who they portray they are online, and I can guarantee you guys, that this group is authentic!

We heard from them on things such as Marketing, Video incorporation in your wedding photography business, Branding and who you are, of course we got some one on one time w/ the amazing showit studs to get the showit questions answered, we also got to hear from Jim Davis hicks on his amazing company called Action Runner, basically you get your life back from editing and processing actions one after another! I still have yet to perfect it, but I have been tinkering.. Try it out for free on his website, its pretty nifty!  He also shared with us his other side of business, well non profit that is, for Thirst Relief International, he spoke about things like (Taken from the website, next part…) how more than 1.1 billion people in our world lack access to safe drinking water. Living without this precious resource results in a host of preventable illnesses and even death. Each year 2.5 million people die from diarrheal diseases, many of them caused by contaminated water. Ninety percent of those deaths are children under age five. (World Health Organization) Thirst Relief’s vision is simple yet profound—to save lives and change the world.  That is truly evident in the heart of Jim, he shows his passion for this cause in so many ways. He sold some cute shirts for 5$ that provided water for life for one person, if I remember correctly.  I’ve decided to partner up in a way with the organization and start donating a portion of sales to this cause, which I believe is a true, worthy cause.  Jim is a christian and loves the lord and that is something that is dear to me and I want to support. It is really awesome to see so many people standing up in our industry(Photography) that want to proclaim their faith in God and do something about it, Good for you Jim!

I have about 6 pages of notes, and I don’t want to let them go un noted, but It won’t be in this post that they get posted. Sorry but I’m off to church and just wanted to share a few images, the rest will go up w/ the full posting of the tour.

I also had such a great time hanging w/ Kevin and Andrew! I came a little early and helped setup, and also stayed after. I took Andrew to go pickup their bus driver and we ran into every possible crazy that was in atlanta, and got stopped by trains, a game getting out and my car almost running out of gas, but we finally got the driver and eventually got back! Fun times! haha… I’m thankful that Kevin showed me a really cool new slideshow that we’ll be using in my new website launch, which I really cant wait for! Maybe a week or so, we’ll see!!

I love the next one of Jim, He noticed everyone taking photos and decided to strike a pose! 🙂

David Jay threw a fireball when he introduced Promise, pretty cool I caught it !: )

more to come! 🙂



  1. Kevin says:

    Thank you SO MUCH Katrina for all your help at the event and for the great post. You are awesome and can’t wait to see you again at the next event.

  2. Katrina,

    It was an absolute pleasure to meet you and I can’t thank you enough for such kind words. It was a true joy to be on the tour (though I am sooo excited to see my family as I missed them dearly.)

    I look forward to what comes of our partnership!

    God bless you,


    p.s. remind me to NOT strike poses!!!! 🙂