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A new journey… Through my child’s eyes | Day one

Wow… It has been, WAY to long since I’ve blogged, I am truly sorry. Life has happened and time has just enveloped me. No time now to get into the why’s and what’s of why I’ve been away, I have been shooting lots of sessions and plan to start posting the highlights of them very soon. But tonight is not for that. Tonight is a new adventure Β for me! I spent the day with my friend Tasra, who I might add is a phenomenal person. She has accomplished so much and has really given me so many words of wisdom! Tonight her and her husband Ron and I sat around the table for dinner just talking about photography, why do I do it, what projects do I do for myself, etc.. I talked to them about this project I have always wanted to do, but have never made the effort to make it happen. So they encouraged me and challenged me, “Start tonight”.. Tasra is such a go-getter and really inspired me so I did start. I am going to attempt to do this, every day, some days I may fail, I won’t sit here and say I WONT miss one day, but most days I am going to succeed!

Okay, Okay, out with it your saying!! I am doing this project, “Through my child’s eyes”. It focuses on me getting down at my child’s eye level, literally sitting or laying on the ground, and photographing life, as it’s happening for them, through their eyes. Now I don’t mean handing over your thousand dollars of gear and letting them take photos, which I am planning that project out too, but not w/ my camera!!! I mean taking photos of the way they see the world. Anywhere, everywhere, doing anything! So, it may be of them playing w/ a toy, playing w/ a sister or friend or whatever it is they do. I got this idea because I thought, if I spent more time down at their level it would force me to A)Spend more time with them, and B) Try to see life as they do. I personally, don’t remember what it was like to be 4 and 5. I’d give so much to be able to remember some of those beautiful memories, but I can’t . But I can try to relive it through them and also help to capture it for them to see in the future.

My goal in this is to grow closer to them, to see things differently, perhaps, and to grow as a photographer. Sometimes I feel stuck, and this will help me to grow creatively and to think outside the box. If anyone is out there reading this, I’m honored and hope you follow along with me on my journey. I’ll be “Tagging” every post with a specific Category and tag so that way its easy to find if you want to see a post for this. They will be intertwined with my other posts so this will make it easier to find. Just type “through my child’s eyes” in the search or use the drop down and select that category.

Without further ado, here is Day One’s photograph:

Through my child's eyes - Day One

My son LOVES BAKUGAN! I don’t even get the obsession with it. I truly haven’t watched an episode cause frankly, they’re so wierd!! But he loves them. Probably cause they’re so similar to Transformers!! Anyway, any chance he can get he’s pulling them out and tossing the cards yelling “Bakugan stand” or something like that. Today he was invited along w/ me and his sister, to our friend Tasra’s house to let the boys’ play Bakugan’s and let us mom’s have some adult time! It was a great time for me, Logan enjoyed it as you can see, he found a friend who loves bakugan like he does, what more could he want! My little girly girl on the other hand wasn’t really enjoying all the boy stuff so she spent time hanging out with Miss Imahni, playing piano and looking at her dolls from when she was little. Overall, it was a great day! Here’s to the future of Β this project! πŸ™‚ If you read these, please leave some comments and let me know, I love to hear what everyone has to say! πŸ™‚ I can’t take full credit for this shot, it was Logan’s friend that wanted this particular pose and its Tasra’s super awesome new studio that allowed for the blue πŸ™‚ Thanks for the props and setup πŸ™‚

The verse God keeps giving me, I have to share, Jeremiah 29:11 “..I know the plans I have for you”, declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future..” Rest in that peace.


  1. Mandi says:

    Such a cute and fun idea. Love the first picture. How adorable! πŸ™‚

  2. Tasra Dawson says:

    I am SO proud of you for taking action on this incredible idea you have. I absolutely love it and hope to follow along and take some of my own shots “Through my child’s eyes.” Such a rare and fleeting moment of childhood, I think the idea of capturing things at their level is fantastic!

  3. Ron Dawson says:

    This is just step 1 of a long journey Katrina. Keep it up. I start my new journey today too. Let’s keep each other accountable.

  4. @Mandi – Thanks πŸ™‚
    @Tasra – I’m thankful for your encouragement and friendship! Would love to see what you come up with in that regard.
    @Ron – I would love to do that. I’ll definitly keep an eye on yours and encourage you as well. Thanks to you and Tasra for the extra push I needed last night!

  5. […] my photographer friend, Katrina Wheeler. She’s studying photography at the Academy of Art, she owns her own photography business, and […]

  6. Aunt Judy says:

    This is a great shot! I mostly love it cause Logan isn’t doing his kinda posed grin ;D I also have cancelled my cable TV & have reopened my Netflix account. It was funny because they (the cable company) were scrambling to try to get me a deal & finally I just told them it’s too expensive and most of the stuff I see on TV is trash anyway! Hope you guys stay warm & don’t get “socked in” too badly! Love you!

  7. […] this could be really fun. If you have no clue what I’m talking about, go back and read the Day One post,. It talks about my memory […]