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Through my child’s eyes | Day Two

Today has been a great day! I’ve spent most of the day w/ the kids or they were playing w/ they’re friend while I did some client calls. So in the later afternoon I had to stock up the fridge and the house, to prepare for this Winter Storm that Atlanta is supposed to have! I hear that some stores are clean of water, eggs, bread, milk, fire logs etc.. So I thought, hmm.. i better go get what I need. So I did, and Kroger was a little crazy but not too bad. The eggs were just about wiped clean, milk too. There was only one lonely log on the shelf, so I grabbed it and started phoning around to find more. We have a gas fireplace but it can convert to an actual log fireplace if we want. So just in case the gas lines break or something, we need to be prepared 🙂 Thats the marine wife in me. My husband has a list of things we have to do to be prepared and I think we met them all! 🙂 So after my shopping, I felt a little drained so I decided to bring home some Chinese food. We all love this one place in Hiram called “China Wok”. Its yummy! Family owned I think and its great! So my daughter Avalyn is so much like me right, but then again so much like Craig, her daddy. He eats with chopsticks and has taught her how to use them as well. She is SO good at it. Me and my son are horrible, so we use forks! 🙂 Here’s her grabbing up her broccoli. If it was me, it would have slid right off those sticks! By the way, she’s only four! 🙂

So she is pretty much the most girly girl, feminine, loves to be a girl, kid I know! She loves to be just like mommy, prancing around in high heals, she frequently puts my boots on, or trys to nab my makeup and jewlery! Its adorable but it only scares me of how in the future, I probably will have to keep my stuff under lock and key, she will be taking it all! So tonight she got a little gift from her best friend Rachel and next door neighbor. She brought her over some boots that didn’t fit her anymore. Avalyn was THRILLED beyond thrilled cause we have been wanting to get her some boots like mommy’s just haven’t found any yet. So she quickly sat down, before going to the table to eat her favorite chineese food, and tried to get those shoes tied. She tried so hard, bless her heart, but it just wasn’t working. Of course I helped her in the end, but this is her attempting to get them on!

I am so blessed. She is adorable. I’m looking forward to seeing how much closer we become and how much more I learn about them with this project. Good night everyone, go bundle up with your babies in front of your fireplace 🙂 Oh yeah, one more thing. My friend Tasra is so inspiring, she inspired me yet again to do something, and I finally did it. I shut off our cable.. We had dish and for a while now my husband’s been saying he wants to get rid of the satellite, that we don’t need it, don’t need to pay for it, don’t need to have it, we just don’t.. I’ve been too attached to it being a “babysitter” or a crutch for me, and it has been a great one.. But i do agree that the kids need to be spending more time doing other things so I decided I’d strike while the momentum was hot and just cancel it. So  I did. Here’s to more time together, more reading and more play time for them.

See y’all tomorrow 🙂 ( I love saying y’all now that i’m a georgia girl 🙂 )  – Katrina

  1. MIkah Wheeler says:

    I love watching her eat with chopsticks! I’m so glad to hear that you guys have also cancelled the cable. I think that is an awesome choice for your families.

  2. Tasra Dawson says:

    Wow again. Two days in a row you are reinventing your life and relationship with your children. Your post brought tears to my eyes. So inspired to see you taking action to bring your creative self to the world. Love you!

  3. cheryl frye says:

    thanks for sharing and i’m proud of you for shutting off the cable, that’s what i need to do.. love you mom

  4. Veronica Wheeler says:

    Those boots are the cutest thing I have ever seen! (:

  5. Jessica says:

    So proud of you Katrina!!!!!!!!!!