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Wedding at Berry College, Atlanta GA | Second Shooting fun with Tessa!

Today is one of those days when everything is like piling up so high I can barely see over the top! I am still trying to come down off the high from going to the WPPI conference in Las Vegas, NV, looking through all the fun pictures I took there and trying to mentally process everything I have learned and all the people i’ve met. To be honest, I felt quite overwhelmed at times, and quite at ease other times. I felt bad that some dear friends I’ve made online, I confused their names and may have called them by anothers name, that sort of thing really bothers me when I do it and it was so bad! πŸ™ I’m sorry if I did that to you! I was trying to process all the new friends and I just couldn’t keep up! πŸ™‚ Which is a good thing though, i love friends so the more the merrier! πŸ™‚ Anyway, see how I digress! πŸ™‚ I am preparing to leave tomorrow for a Beautiful wedding at Fort Walton Beach, FL which is not too far from Destin, FL. I am super excited to photograph Elise and Jeremy! They are actually family and i’m stoked for them to finally be getting married! πŸ™‚ So I wanted to blog a little before I went, catch up on past events, etc.

Last weekend I had the priveledge of photographing Ryan and Helen’s wedding with a new friend of mine, Tessa Swarthout. She and I met at Imaging 2010 in Nashville at the Bowled Over event thatΒ ShootQ andΒ LiveBooks held. It was a really beautiful wedding! Took place in a cute chapel, and we headed to the mall to a coffeeshop for the cutest little reception shin dig I ever saw! πŸ™‚ I even did a photobooth for Tessa, and took some fun shots! πŸ™‚ I have so many awesome pictures to share, but some that stood out for me I want to share first. A few beautiful bridals I took of her, and another moment I thought it was the sweetest after the ceremony was over, Helen and Ryan ran out the back door and immediately he dipped her and kissed her, spun her around and just checked her out and admired her beautiful looks and her gorgeous dress. This is the type of moments that we love and crave as photographers! πŸ™‚ Thanks guys for making it easy to photograph you! πŸ™‚

Beautiful Dress, these windows ROCKED!

Some Bridals of Helen, isn’t she stunning!?

Can’t wait to share more soon! πŸ™‚ XOXO


  1. Amber says:

    So wonderful to meet you at WPPI! Your work is absolutely beautiful!

  2. Gorgeous! I especially love all the ones in color!

  3. Great images…I’m especially loving the 3rd one!

  4. Katie says:

    SUPER cute. Love the one of her sitting!