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Through my child’s eyes | Day seven

Day seven already?! I can’t believe I’ve done it one whole week! I’m seriously proud of my self! Well that time has come to an end, WAIT, not permant end! Just for the weekend. I was having difficulty with the idea of failing and stopping blogging for the weekend, I MUST DO IT ALL! Lol.. But a good friend Heather told me that I not only have permission to wait till Monday to blog but I MUST!:) Well she wasn’t so demanding but she was helpful! She made a good point, I can shoot this weekend, and just save them up and blog them Monday when the husband leaves again. I sighed in relief. Thank you for giving me that Heather! I didn’t want to stop my shooting, so I wont, but I will not blog because I truly need to be with my family this weekend, fully, not half way, but all the way. I’m going to try to not even facebook, GASP! I know! Until Monday ,but that isn’t likely to happen as heather said well! 😛 lol!

Here’s today’s pictures….

The kids built a tent. Remember how fun that was? They were loving it! I remember when Logan was a toddler like 1ish, he loved to play in a box, what is it with kids and the little things? They are more special and fun to them then the crazy stuff.. For once my husband actually is right, shhh 🙂

Time on the phone is precious for my kids, they don’t exactly know it but it is. This is the only way they can talk to their Nonina Anna who’s in San Diego. They miss all of their grandparents and family. Thank God for facetime and skype! Without it i don’t know how we’d be able to be away for so long! This is a picture from their speaker phone call w/ her.

Logan, as happy as can be playing w/ his transformers! 🙂 The little things!

Have a great weekend with your family and stay offline for once, I dare you, I’m doing it, will you!?

  1. I’m so proud of you Katrina! You stuck to your commitment this weekend and allowed yourself to truly enjoy your family. I hope your weekend was fabulous and I CANNOT WAIT to see the images from Saturday and Sunday!

  2. Thanks heather, the weekend was absolutley perfect. Your awesome for holding me to it!