Rena and Cody are one of those couples who are adorable in every pose, love each other so much it pours out, and are just plain perfect to photograph! I love when my clients make things so easy for me! I always ask them if they’ve done any modeling, they swear they haven’t but, I […]
June 14, 2018
June 14, 2018
Lauren and Caleb are absolutely the most sweetest, adorable and easy going couples I’ve probably ever met! I met Lauren and Caleb at The Oklahoma Wedding show in January earlier this year. They told me they were getting married at The Hidden Porch Wedding Chapel and Gardens on “May the Fourth be with you day” (May 4th), and since I LOVE all things Star Wars and weddings, I knew they were the right couple for me.
March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
I was so excited when I heard Jeremy and Melanie got engaged! I met them at church where they worked in the children’s classroom of my kids the past few years! I got to know them a little bit here and there and though they were so cute together! After they were engaged I was so excited when she told me she wanted to meet for coffee and talk about her wedding! They are getting married next May just before we leave Georgia, how bittersweet! So we begun to discuss all the details, and engagement portraits was one of them. Where to do the photos was a big question, they wanted it to reflect them as a couple, they love being outside and Georgia has a lot of beautiful scenery to take in.
July 24, 2012
July 24, 2012
Wow! I am in COMPLETE shock that I’ve not blogged in almost 5 months! How horrible of me! I’m so sorry to anyone who ever use to check my blog. I am going to get better at blogging within a month after the wedding/event, I promise! Life has definitely not stopped for me though! Let’s see if I can rewind and catch everyone up on Katrina Wheeler Photography and me, of course 🙂
October 5, 2011
October 5, 2011
I have been thrilled to photograph Rachael and her fiance Erik for months now! I first met her mother last year sometime and she interviewed me for her daughter, since Rachael and Erik live out of state. I met her beautiful mom Rosemary and we had a great time just chatting about all things weddings, […]
May 7, 2011
May 7, 2011
Today was incredible, yet exhausting! I had an amazing opportunity present itself to get a promotional video of me and my business, by an amazing cinematographer/videographer! He is completly the top of the line! His company is Dare Dreamer Media, and the main man is Ron Dawson. I honestly have dreamed of him doing my […]
July 3, 2010
July 3, 2010
I am so excited that Chandra and Maurice are getting married! Its actually only a week away! They don’t live near each other right now, they are both marines and are stationed apart. When they contacted me to be their wedding photographer I was so thrilled! So today they only had one day to get their engagements done, and its the week before the wedding! They are getting married in North Carolina, since that is where Chandra is from.
May 31, 2010
May 31, 2010